Flat belt conveyors for hygienic transport of food products, also with nose bars on one or both sites or retractable available
Conveyors equipped with modular plastic belts for transport of packed or unpacked food products, also with nose bars on one or both sites or retractable available
radius conveyors
Flat belt curve conveyor for hygienic transport of food products, also with nose bars on one or both sites available
Plastic belt curves with and without incline for elevation in difficult space restrictions
vertical conveyors
Stepper for transport of trays in climatized chambers
Elevators for bulk handling with incline
Bucket conveyors for hygienic bulk transport under space restrictive conditions
Spiral conveyors for prooving, cooling, drying or freezing of products
special purpose machinery
Case Packer to put goods into boxes or crates
Automated distribution systems for dynamic product stream division from one source to different destinations
Box kneeler to lower filled boxes or crates to avoid dorsal pain of the workers
90°-transfer-unit safes space and time
Platforms for positioning and access of multi-level designed equipmen.
Individual solution required?
We would be pleased to suggest and implement individual solutions for your requirements.